Monday, November 20, 2006

Revolutionary Struggle

It seems I am defeated by my own lack of speed; the fact that I didn't move fast enough to get a preorder or to be at retail stores when they opened yesterday means I am currently Revolutionless. My friend next door has one already; I haven't seen much of it, but what I have has only whetted my appetite more. Fortunately (I think) I head home tomorrow, and I'm banking on the fact that all the little stores out in the middle of nowhere won't have sold out. That and the fact that I heard from a someone that the next shipment hits stores on Tuesday as well makes me think I may be a bit more successful tomorrow than I was yesterday. That's a nice optimistic thought, isn't it?


Blogger hockeyfrog said...

Eh.. all those people with Wiis are just a bunch of wii-ners. I'm getting kind of sick of all the "OMG LOOK AT THIS! YOU SHOULD PLAY! OMG!!1!!1!" I have yet to touch one. I'm kind of glad about it too.

12:40 PM  

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