Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sleep Is Overrated

It seems that as this year wears on, I'm just going to find more and more reasons not to sleep. I'm not asleep right now, Thursday morning, because I'm at work. I could be doing other, much more productive things, but I think we all know I'm not very good at that. The reason for my lack of sleep last night shall remain nameless. Tuesday morning was actually kind of fun; apparently, being awake at 4:30 in the morning to go out to a tiny box with windows and watch Prairie Chickens abuse each other for the pleasure of the assembled females is much more entertaining than sleep. It's actually quite fascinating; there's a definite social structure and hierarchy to the activity on a lek, and I suppose it probably shifts in minor ways every morning; I'm not sure how constant individual chicken attendance to a lek is, but being that one of our instructors implied that there eare multiple leks on Konza, I feel I can assume that the population is fairly large. Unfortunately, I have neither the training nor, evidently, the coherence (at least that early in the morning) to discern much more about said social structure than that there is one.

Later today, a co-worker and I are going to present a possible training regimen/competency test we spent the past two weeks assembling to our co-workers. The use of an english major to proofread the technical writing I did was excellent for my ego; good to know that my writing skills haven't gone the way of my conversational abilities. I feel rather good about it. We worked hard; I think it's all put together well, if I do say so myself. I'm told that our boss wants to put the whole affair on the herbarium website when we're finished. My co-worker was rather opposed to this. Admittedly, it wouldn't be very helpful to most people; my understanding is that the form is so easy to customize that no one running Specify is entering information in in what could be considered even a mildly similar format. I've seen screenshots of the KU Herbariums form; they support that conclusion. Even if it's only with one permutation of the program, I don't mind coming up on a Google search as "one of those guys competent enough to figure stuff out." As long as my name stays on it, he can do whatever he wants with it, as far as I'm concerned. Those sound exactly like words I'll someday be forced to eat, but so be it.

Grindhouse is everything I expected it to be. Quentin Tarantino is a good reminder to me that I really shouldn't be judging movies or their creators without actually having any exposure to said films. Without having ever seen any, I freely condemned Tarantino's works; now, having seen Grindhouse and Pulp Fiction, hearing that he's involved with an upcoming movie sends chills up my spine not unlike the ones I get from adding sugar to already adequately sweetened pie: it's probably bad for me in some way, but man, it's gonna be great. I haven't even seen the movies that are more frequently held up as his best works, namely Kill Bill 1 & 2 and Reservoir Dogs. They'll probably end up on my summer "I Should Watch These Movies" list. Actually, now that I think about it, the creation of such a list may not be too bad an idea. Perhaps a project for my procrastination period later today.


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