In Which My Intelligence is Tested
Dagron's fiancee is in grad school for psychology. As part of one of her classes, she had to administer an IQ test. Not, as it turned out, one of those sissy dime-store IQ tests, but a real one. One that takes two hours, and is administered by a competent person.
Dagron and I both went, but I had to take the test from his woman, due to conflict of interest stuff with him (he's her fiancee, how would that be distracting?), so I got interrogated by her for a solid hour and a half. The questions ranged from easy (define "epic") to frustraingingly annoying (rememebr and recite in numerical-alphabetical order A 7 H 4 M 3 Q 1) to fun (I GOT TO PLAY WITH BLOCKS). And I just found out that the correct answer to "Who wrote Faust?" was indeed, as my first instince went, "Faust." Should have gone with my instinct.
But in any case, since she is just a student, I guess there are legal issues with letting me know my score, probably to keep me from going off and doing stupid things because of it. What "stupid things" I would do armed with an IQ, I have no idea, but I guess it's enough of a concern to keep my score from me.
And then, because she is cool, we got pot roast. And her cat attacked me with dander, but it was still food, and therefore worth it.
On the way back, I learned about several movies I need to see; I do believe all of them were Quentin Tarantino movies. I'm still not sure what I think about that man. Admittedly, all of his work that I've seen is good. That amounts to Pulp Fiction and the first 20 minutes +random other bits of Kill Bill Volume 1, but still, it was good. It's just that ever time I see him, I want to bash his face. I mean, really, he's a bizarre looking man.