Saturday, February 02, 2008

Psychonauts, Bioshock, and More!

Man, I don't update much.

So, I realize that I'm a few years behind here, but Psychonauts is pretty much awesome. It's been out for so long that there's not a lot of stuff I can say about it, since everyone but me has played it, so I guess I'll just keep it short by saying that it's intelligent, funny, and delightful to play. Even though I want to throw the controller through the TV because of the some of the stuff going on in the Meat Circus. That's right, a Meat Circus. Be afraid.

I got Bioshock the other day (
I know, behind the times again), but due to classwork, I haven't had much time to play it. Sadness.

Movies make me sad lately. Not the ones I've watched, but the apparent sheer retardation of the market at large. I mean,
Cloverfield, Juno, and Sweeny Todd, the last movies I saw in a theater, were great, though Cloverfield made me violently ill, and I'm pretty sure anyone who laughs as hard as I did at Sweeny Todd has some mental problems. Unfortunately, most of the other fare offered by the market nowadays makes me want to punch a baby. Due to time constraints, I don't make it to the theater much, but somehow, I'm going to see 3:10 to Yuma, There Will Be Blood, Michael Clayton, and No Country for Old Men.

Perhaps I shall try to bring out my inner movie elitist guy and post more often.


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